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Swift  Microwave Therapy

For roughly one year I owned and used a Swift Microwave unit to treat verrucas in my clinic. I treated a number of people with the unit, my success rate was less than 10%. 

I no longer have the Swift unit, I couldn't continue to offer a treatment regime that I had no trust in.


Reasons why I no longer offer Swift.

1. It hurts! the majority of people I treated with both Swift and then needling, said needling was less painful.

2. It is very expensive, the recommended fees are £100 to £150 per treatment session, the standard offering is 3 treatment sessions, a month apart, however a number of clinics are doing upto 10 treatment sessions.

3. Low success rate (for me), official figures are 75% success rate with 3 treatments, this however is based on only one official study.



On the right is a screenshot of a Facebook group chat of Podiatrists on the Swift forum. I'm not the only one who experienced low results! 

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